Family Readiness Groups
The Military Family Readiness System is a system of programs and services operated by the Department of Defense and other federal, state, and community-based agencies and organizations. The Military Family Readiness System enhances military family readiness and resilience and promotes military family well-being. Collaboration and integration across the system promotes positive outcomes for service members and their families across the domains of career, social, financial, health and community engagement.
The Military Family Readiness System supports every service member and family member, regardless of activation status or location, in person, by phone and online.
What services are available through the Military Family Readiness System?
The following services are available through the Military and Family Support Centers.
Mobility and deployment assistance — Services are designed to promote positive adjustment to deployment, family separation, reunion, and reintegration.
Relocation assistance — Information, education and referrals can help prepare service members and their families for a permanent change of station move, including moving costs, housing options, spouse employment opportunities, schools, community orientation, settling in at their new duty location and much more.
Financial readiness — Life cycle financial education and counseling services provide tools and information to help achieve financial goals and address financial challenges. Topics include consumer education, budgeting and debt liquidation, retirement planning, savings, and investment counseling.
Spouse education and career services — Services include career exploration opportunities, education and training, employment readiness assistance and employment connections.
Personal and family life education — Education and enrichment services focus on increasing resilience, building, and maintaining healthy relationships, and strengthening interpersonal and problem-solving skills.
Emergency family assistance — Services can promote short- and long-term recovery and the return to a stable environment after an emergency.
Domestic abuse prevention and response services — Education, support services and treatment can help promote healthy and safe intimate relationships, reduce the occurrence of domestic abuse, and address domestic abuse when it occurs.
Child abuse prevention and response services — Services can help promote positive parent-child relationships, prevent child abuse and address abuse when it occurs.
New Parent Support Program — Home visitation services are designed to help new parents adapt to parenthood, through education, playgroups, classes and access to books, booklets, and other written materials on parenting.
Exceptional Family Member Program support — For families who have special medical and/or educational needs related to the Exceptional Family Member Program enrollment and/or assignment coordination process, non-clinical case management and relocation support.
Non-medical individual and family counseling — Short-term, confidential non-medical counseling services address topics related to personal growth and positive functioning.
Transition assistance — Services can prepare separating service members and their families to re-enter civilian life.
Information and referral — Provides a full range of support services, information, tools and resources available within the Military Family Readiness System to meet identified needs.
MWR — Provides other resources within the military that contribute to the readiness and resilience of the force. Morale-Welfare-Recreation-s (MWR’s) quality of life programming gives service members and families the opportunity to relax, recharge and have fun during their downtime.
Military Installation-based Military and Family Support Centers
Installation-based Military and Family Support Centers are a one-stop shop for family readiness information and services. Centers are open to all service members and their families, regardless of the service member’s branch. Find a local installation’s center by visiting the links below. Each branch of service uses a service-unique name for this access point:
Reserve Component Family Programs
Reserve Component Family Programs deliver family readiness services through facility-based locations, online and by telephone. While these access points deliver a limited number of direct services to members and their families, they can readily refer service members to other Military Family Readiness System resources. Reserve Component Family Program links are below:
Community organizations
Non-military community organizations that support military families are also considered a part of the Military Family Readiness System, as they play a key role in providing the services you need for everyday life. Your local access points, Military and Family Support Center, National Guard and Reserve Component Family Program and Military OneSource, can also connect service members, Veterans and families to other approved providers, offering services in your local community.